Tuesday, October 4, 2016

State Representative letter

Dear Kent Smith,
As a resident and college student living in Ohio, it has come to my attention that although needed funding was in fact established, there is still not enough for Ohio schools to be where they should be. In order for Ohio schools to be brought up to where they need to be much more funding and time must be poured into this pertinent issue. 

         Not only do I stride to be a great teacher someday, but also I am still a student. Though I am fairly blessed in most of my schooling, the school I attended for grades four through six was crumbling to the ground. I’d like to ask, why are grants for things that are by no means are necessary being given out left and right when at the same ceiling tiles are literally falling on students during a band concert? In addition, how are students supposed to value their own education when the state doesn’t value it, making it so their school cannot either? If a student has to attend a broken down, run down school every day how will they ever feel like what they are learning matters?
         People always say how teaching is a labor of love and yet many of the places in which teachers are forced to teach in does not reflect that. If it were up to me and the funding was available, I would pour as many recourses into schools as I could in order for under paid teachers to feel valued and students to want to learn.

         With that being said, Mr. Kent, I ask you to strongly try and find the funding Ohio schools so desperately need in order to create a positive place for learning to occur.

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