Monday, November 7, 2016

blog post 7

We can glean from the Ohanian in this chapter are the things people value in educators. Ohanian brings up many good points in which all need to be valued. Her idea of what should be valued and what is important makes a lot of sense and is something almost all previous students can relate to. She focuses on teachers and professors of education because that is who everyone future relays on. Throughout her readings I felt very inspired and understood by what she was saying and trying to convey.

         If more educators at schools take these ideas into account, I think the suture of children will be better off than with our current system. The problem right now is we have certain teachers at everywhere that aren’t into teaching for the right reasons which tends to make all the other teachers look bad. In many cases students tend to remember the bad more than they do the good which causes many bad teachers to have a longer lasting effect on students. If we learn from people like Ohanian then more students will feel loved and excepted in a school setting, which is what we need in order for students to succeed. Hopefully we can continue to learn from people like Ohanian and continue improving our educational system for the better of students. All we can do is grow as educators by continuing to learn from our students.

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