Saturday, November 12, 2016

Blog post 9. Annotated bib

Peske, Heather G., and Kati Haycock. "Teaching Inequality: How Poor and Minority Students Are Shortchanged on Teacher Quality: A Report and Recommendations by the Education Trust." Education Trust (2006).
-This resource will be providing information, research and experience of the differences in school systems through their teacher’s qualifications and the level of poverty. This paper also did research on three large states which gives many conclusions I can draw form about teacher’s salary and the type of school system they work in.  

Cohen, Rosetta Marantz. "Schools our teachers deserve: A proposal for teacher-centered reform." The Phi Delta Kappan 83.7 (2002): 532-537.
-This article provides insight to not only what previous reforms of school systems have been but what should happen now. The ideas of this article think the focus should start being put on the teachers. The teachers are the one element that will never change in a school needing.

Jimerson, Lorna. "The Competitive Disadvantage: Teacher Compensation in Rural America. Policy Brief." (2003).
-This article provides the insight of a solution for having higher quality teachers in all areas of America. Almost immediately this article suggests the idea of needing to pay teachers more especially in rural areas where there is less encouragement for teachers to work in the first place.

Parham, Janis N., and Stephen P. Gordon. "Moonlighting: a harsh reality for many teachers: a poor salary and working conditions, taken together, may drive teachers to temporary periods of moonlighting followed by a departure from the teaching profession." Phi Delta Kappan 92.5 (2011): 47.

         -This article explores the reality of moonlighting for many teachers. This will provide a lot of insight into the many realities many teachers face do to the lack of a substantial enough salary. In addition, this will show and explain why so many teachers leaving teaching so quickly.

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